astrology readings

I offer 90 minute, 60 minute and 30 minute natal chart / astrology readings.

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In a natal chart reading I examine what the planets were doing at the exact moment you were born. When looking at your natal chart I look for placements and planetary aspects that give me clues as to what your planetary superpowers are.

The 90 minute is my most in depth reading! To get the most out if this session, I do recommend telling me what area of your life you would like to dive deep into in the intake form so I can examine those areas of your chart in depth before we start. If we are looking at relationships for example, this gives me time to check on your Venus (planet ruling how we relate) star point, and any major transits going through your seventh house (house of relationships) in great depth without taking up your appointment time. This session is ideal for those who know what they would like to look into, and have already been or are starting on their inner work journey.

The 60 minute reading is perfect for those who are doing continuous work with me, who know a bit about astrology already, and for a first ever reading when you know what areas of life you would like to dive into. I say this because I want you to get the most out of your time with me.

The 30 minute reading is ideal for those who have no idea what they would like to look into, but would like to make a start somewhere, dip your toes in so to speak. It’s perfect for those wanting a quick check of the planetary transits and how they will be energetically affecting you at the moment. These are also great as a little crisis check in, if things in life are going awry and you would like to know how to alchemise the not so fun energy into working in your advantage.

In a natal chart reading we can excavate hidden gems and strengths that you may or may not be consciously aware of. I can also examine what the planets in the sky are doing now and can look into the future  transits to see what energy the planets will create for you. This foresight gives you the opportunity to pre- think what strategies to use when the energies arise, and how to navigate through those times more seamlessly. 

It is my belief that the planetary bodies work in alignment with us, and we have the choice as to how we react when we are at a crossroads. We are not stuck or destined to follow one path. Knowledge of the planetary energy allows us to create alchemy in our own lives. 

This knowledge gives us the advantage of being able to work through what comes up in our lives more consciously. 

I also offer synastry readings (looking at relationships by examining your and another persons charts together), if you would like me to examine your chart against another chart (such as a romantic partner or your child), I can do this. I do require that you ask their permission first. Synastry readings are quite in depth so I ask that you book the 90 minute session for this please!

You will see an option for an aromatherapy essential oil blend add on when you book. I use essential oils to activate the nose/brain connection to help you ground in the insights from your reading, and help you to shift hard to budge behavioural patterns. When used in conjunction with a reading, aromatherapy can be very powerful! It’s expensive because I use high quality oils, they are very pricey, and you really can’t cut corners in the quality of the oils, especially when being used in this way.

♥︎ I offer a 10% discount on readings to returning clients as a thank you ♥︎

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