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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Pisces Full moon and partial eclipse

How many times have you gotten swept up by what your friendship group wanted to do that you convinced yourself their ideas would be great fun to wind up at home not having done the thing you wanted feeling ripped off because you wish you had of just done your thing?

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Virgo season 2024

While Virgo is the sign of being in sacred service, we cant be of service to others unless we are looking after ourselves properly.

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Taurus season readings

Exploring how the cosmic energy that is generated by the planets will affect you personally gives you the power of foresight, and the capacity to work with the energy in a more powerful way than waiting to see what happens and hoping it will work out.

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Aries season 2024

Eclipses are special because they blend our souls journey with the energy of our emotions and daily expression. They are a powerful gateway to take advantage of.

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Dream Skin Elixir in detail

I was sick of the focus on anti ageing, and felt concerned that there weren’t many options for people wanting to support their skin. What about the people who want to age looking like themselves?

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Virgo full moon February 2024

A superpower of Virgo is discernment, and when it’s to do with relationships it’s discerning what is helping you to grow and thrive and what isn’t.

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Chiron/North Node conjunction

Join Chiron and the North node together in a conjunction and there is a want to follow our own path, combined with some inner resistance that we can’t, or shouldn’t, or don’t deserve to.

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Mercury in Aquarius 2024

A superpower of Mercury in Aquarius is the ability to objectively observe your thoughts, and filter through what is helpful and what isn’t in a matter of fact manner.

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Sarah Norris Sarah Norris

Full moon in Leo 2024 and Mars square Chiron

Mars is the planet of drive, passion and aggression. When it makes a hard aspect like a square, it's creating a tension with whatever it's squaring. Chiron is the asteroid of the ‘wounded healer’, and highlights areas of our lives that we hold on to wounding in. The tension created by this square will trigger our innermost wounds, and we may feel somewhat aggressive about it.

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