Aries season 2024

Aries season 2024 began with Mars moving in Pisces on the 23rd of March. Mars governs our actions, how we set about achieving our goals and working on our passions. Its what gets our blood pumping and motivates us to go for what we want. Pisces is very floaty, ethereal, flaky, and compared to Mars’s energy, its quite slow. Learning to harness this energy is very powerful, its learning to slow down and be open to whatever insights come in, with no pre conceived ideas or conditioning or control over the outcome.

It feels like someone took Mars out of its race car and put it in a dinghy with lopsided paddles.

With Mars in Pisces it can feel like we can’t quite figure out how to get to our goals directly, there seems to be obstacles and distractions along the way. Our plans may end up all over the place in an attempt to get somewhere. In my house it looks like I’m leaving a ‘trail of destruction’ of books, cups and that sort of paraphernalia everywhere.

But the upside of our motivation floating around in dream land is that we have the capacity to dream up new ways of doing things that we may not have been able to connect to before.

We had the lunar eclipse in Libra on the 25th March, with the north node conjunct Chiron.

Eclipses are special because they blend our souls journey with the energy of our emotions and daily expression. They are a powerful gateway to take advantage of.

There is the energy of letting go of old wounding to do with our sense of self and how we sacrifice a part of ourselves as a trauma response to please others here. A letting go of a part of ourselves in relationships that no longer serves us.

On the 2nd of April Mercury will go retrograde in Aries. With Mercury, the planet of communication in retrograde there is an invitation go inward and examine how we communicate with others. How we resolve conflict in particular. Aries energy is fiery. It is fresh, creative and excitable, but its also explosive. Arguments have the potential to absolutely explode. Mercury retrogrades slow down communication somewhat, and can muddle what we are intending to say, and how we hear things. We may sound selfish in our arguments, and we may notice others sounding selfish or egocentric also. Knowing when to let go and walk away is important.

Take note of when you’re triggered in these arguments and ask yourself, are you the one exploding without thinking?

Could you have slowed down, done a Mars in Pisces and stepped out of the race car and tried the lopsided paddles to see if you could come to a different conclusion rather than jumping straight to a conditioned conclusion?

We often judge others based on our conditioning without realising that we are the ones who are jumping to conclusions.

This retrograde offers a few really handy planetary conjunctions to help us examine how effective our communication style is and to examine our own conditioning further.

On the 16th Mercury will be conjunct Chiron, which will bring our mental focus towards old wounding to do with our sense of self, maybe a childhood trauma that we might not realise has shaped how we communicate now. Take note of any triggers that come up. Anything that came up from the full moon in Libra about how we self sacrifice our needs to please others could be helpful here in learning what your triggers are.

On the 19th Mercury will be conjunct Venus. Venus is the planet that rules relationships, and our desires. Themes about how we connect to our desires and communicate them to others will come up. Can you get argumentative when you’re self sacrificing? Passive aggressive? Do others even ask you to make these sacrifices that you’re angry at them for? Is it your boundaries? Is it theirs?

Take time away to honestly meditate on what comes up.

Venus moves into Aries on the 5th April. Even though traditionally Venus is in ‘fall’ or ‘detriment’ here (meaning that the yin energy of Venus doesn’t mesh well with the yang energy of Aries), I feel that this time will actually help to birth a potent superpower of connecting to our desires and needs from a pure place of self. One that isn’t socially conditioned by what we have learned that we ‘should’ want out of life.

What do you really want? How can you act from your heart and break free from restraints of people pleasing (still with respect towards others and taking their boundaries into account though), to align to your heart.

Then on the 9th of April we have the new moon solar eclipse in Aries.

I feel like the actions of the planets up until this eclipse have helped to build a solid foundation for taking advantage of this potent moon.

We’ve experienced that feeling of actions being slowed down, to the mind and our internal world with us at the centre being made a focus, heaps of opportunities to work through and release old patterns, to this eclipse.

The energy for this eclipse is in being absolutely fearless in expressing yourself, who you are and what you do. The eclipse will be conjunct Chiron as well, so we can let go more, and step out into feeling like we can begin this astrological new year with a renewed sense of self and new faith that who we are is enough. And we deserve to be here and to have our needs met and boundaries respected.

If you would like to dive deeper into your chart and look at what’s activating your life through the planets I offer astrology readings, book here on my website.

Sarah ♥︎


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