Dream Skin Elixir in detail

Dream skin elixir was born in 2020, when I started experimenting with different essential oils and carrier oils on my skin. I knew what I wanted, and thanks to my experience creating a range of bath bombs and body scrubs to hep encourage skilful expressions of each chakra I already had a sound knowledge of the oils and their benefits.

I wanted an oil that would support the skin and the psyche.

I was sick of the focus on anti ageing, and felt concerned that there weren’t many options for people wanting to support their skin. What about the people who want to age looking like themselves? Everyone is starting to look the same, and I want to look like the best possible version of me. Not just another version of everyone around having the same procedures. Now please don’t get me wrong, I have many friends who have medical procedures who look AMAZING, but I feel like we need to normalise another option… we don’t all have to go down the surgical route. We don’t have to be obsessed with anti ageing. There is another option. Its just not as popular.

As I age, I want to look like me. I can’t remember the quote exactly or who said it, but I honour those sentiments of that quote that goes something like this:

‘I would rather have an aged face that is mine than a young face that is not my own’.

Please if anyone knows this quote and can tell me who said it and exactly how it went tell me.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to look as good as I can, I just want to be the best version of me. I want to care for my face. I don’t want to pump it full of additives and distort its shape. I love going make up free. I also love playing with make up. I also want to see the evidence of how much I’ve laughed and cried and smiled on my face as I move through my years. Those lines are a reflection of the deep feelings I’ve felt, and a collection of the wisdom I’ve gained… all there on my face.

I also realise, that at 38 I haven’t personally experienced ageing at its fullest extent. But I do drink coffee and alcohol, and feel like I could look a lot worse if I wasn’t using a product that was nourishing for my skin and good for my mind. I love the relaxing vibes from the lavender, clarity of thought flow from eucalyptus and the feelings of being open to gratitude from the sandalwood. Dream Skin Elixir smells like magic. Jojoba oil helps it all to absorb into the skin, and roship oil is like a cushion of love. My skin has not changed in the 4 years I’ve been experimenting and using this product (maybe its more glowy). But my mindset on ageing has. And that’s where the real magic is.

Ageing is not the enemy. Its our societies attitude towards ageing, and in particular, towards women who have aged. Once we have broken out of that narrative there will be one less roadblock against women and how our appearance dictates our worth. And this mindset is from women and men. I have witnessed both men and women judge women on their appearance and come to a negative conclusion based on age and/or looks that don’t fit the current beauty narrative.

There is more of a movement towards natural beauty, but we are overwhelmingly exposed to more and more unnatural beauty and faces. At what point are we going to start rejecting natural human faces? I see more and more friends posting photos with filters on their socials than without. Content creators using filters. And that’s fine, I’m not judging them, I also agree that if there is an option to look your best, why not take it… but if this is all we are seeing how are we going to learn how to discern what is real and what isn’t? Will we start to prefer the adjusted and filtered faces over the natural ones just because that’s what we see the most of? In psychology, this concept is called familiarity. Its the phenomena where we start to develop a preference for things that we see the most. We are familiar with them, thus prefer them.

Also, if all you post about yourself if you filtered how do you actually feel about your true reflection when you look in the mirror? What’s that doing to your self esteem? What is that doing to your expectation of how you should look? Of how others should look? Why are we so afraid of our faces reflecting our story and pummelling it with products to change it rather than nourishing it?

Why is the beauty standard to stop and alter a natural process rather than to nourish and support our skin? Its like starving yourself to get thin rather than making sure your body gets enough nutrients. Our beauty rituals are based on us altering our appearance rather than adding nourishment. And the outcome is obsessing over anti ageing. Over perceived imperfections. And reinforcing that we are not enough, not beautiful enough, or good enough as we naturally are.

So this is where dream skin elixir comes in. Its not an anti ageing product. Its not a cover up. I don’t have scientific trials with data showing anti ageing and fine line reduction.

My before and after photos of myself all look exactly the same, my skins definitely more moisturised, maybe because its only been 4 years, or that supporting the skin is beneficial… can’t say!

It doesn’t have chemicals or preservatives in it. It has a use by date. I make it up fresh to order.

It is literally a skin and psyche support product, and I love using it, I love that my beauty routine has morphed from obsessing over tiny fine lines into supporting my skin and enjoying the emotional benefits of the essential oils.

It came into existence as an experiment, I tried many different combinations on my own skin, gave samples to friends, and finally after a few years when I was finally happy created the labels and started selling it. Even after embarking on further study to become a qualified aromatherapist I was still experimenting, and tried a few different combinations on my own skin again, but still came back to my original formula.

And, as a Gemini rising, I appreciate products that do more than one thing. So my product had to do a couple of things. Its about self care, and bringing rituals into your daily life that support you physically and mentally that you do out of automation. Moving the focus from the current narrative of obsessing about ageing and changing my skin routine from a chore to an enjoyable ritual.

When I was making my bath products I found that people (myself included) don’t use those products out of automation, its a special ritual, a once a month if that kind of thing. I wanted that level of self care on a daily basis. As a product I would use daily. One product for morning and night. Taking reasonable precautions when out in the sun. Keeping it as simple as possible.

I sell dream skin elixir here on my website.

Have a look! I go into the ingredients in more depth on the description.

Sarah ♡


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