Virgo full moon February 2024

The moon will peak at its fullest in Virgo at 11:30pm on Saturday the 24th AEST.

A superpower of Virgo is discernment, and when it’s to do with relationships it’s discerning what is helping you to grow and thrive and what isn’t.

With the sun in the polarity sign of Pisces there is an invitation to investigate our relationship between being too structured and too flaky.

Is there overthinking or not thinking enough going on? Are you flaky with your boundaries or too firm?

Are you going with the flow too much when there could be a bit more structure?

Sometimes having structure in our lives feels more freeing than living in a state of constantly not knowing what’s going on.

And on the flip side when there is too much structure it’s stifling.

Use the discerning energies of this moon to think about where you could use more structure or flexibility in your daily life.

If you would like to dive into how you can strive for that balance in your daily life I have reading spaces available, bookings through my website!

Sarah ♡


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Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius February 2024