Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius February 2024

Venus will move to be conjunct Mars in Aquarius on the 22nd February at 6:14pm AEST.

Venus and Mars represent many things, but notably our inner feminine and masculine, and the female and male role players in relationships. Their meeting happens a few days before the full supermoon in Virgo on the 24th, inviting us to let go of old methods of relating to others (and to our own inner feminine and masculine) that are no longer needed or helpful. Its like getting a new jumper, and finally getting rid of an old one you’ve been holding on to even though it doest fit right anymore.

We are welcoming in a new relationship paradigm. Both Venus and Mars recently met with Pluto, burning down the old relationship ways to be rebuilt from the ground up with fresh and discerning Aquarian eyes.

New ways of embracing our own inner feminine and masculine will come in, with fresh insights on how to observe how we balance our state of being and actions of doing. An insight of  Aquarius is the ability to observe the environment and make decisions objectively, without fear of breaking away from societies status quo.

Its important to note that Aquarius embraces the individual, no matter how quirky or not. We don’t all fit into the same neat box. We are not all meant to get married and have 2 kids. We aren’t all made to be parents. To hold down a 9-5. We also don’t all need to label ourselves to fit in. There are so many people living in this world trying to fit into pigeon holes that just don’t work and they are miserable. There is no ‘one way’ that is the ‘correct’ way to have a relationship, just as there is no ‘correct way’ to balance your inner feminine and masculine energies. And these differences don’t have to be wild and outlandish, just small differences that we weave in to make our lives and relationships work for us.

With the shift to the Aries/Libra lunar nodes a lot of relationships have been tested. I have noticed a lot of relationship breakdowns have occurred, and a lot of shifting. There is the opportunity to break free of some unhelpful patterns and conditioning specific to this axis.


  • Not honouring your own needs

  • Being passive aggressive

  • Defining your needs based on your relationship/partner rather than what you need

  • Putting your partner first to your own detriment

  • Becoming so enmeshed in the relationship that you can’t remember your own needs

And then on the other end of the axis:

  • Ignoring the needs of your partner, acting out of self interest only

I feel like I have to emphasise the point of being careful of becoming so enmeshed in the relationship that you forget your own needs, as this relates to a shadow side of Aquarius energy also. That is that hive mind mentality, where the needs of the collective overtake individual needs and wants. Be aware of and honour your own needs in relationships and as a functioning member of society.

The relationships that will survive will honour the individual needs and wants of each party together in collaborative harmony. We need to work together, but we don’t need to be the same.

With the old paradigms burned down from Venus and Mars meeting with Pluto, and this new energy from the Venus/Mars conjunction in Aquarius there is the opportunity to practice objectively observing how we relate and what impact how we relate has on the other and then on the relationship as a magical third. What small changes can you talk to your partner about? Your kids? Do they do something that irks you, how do you react? Do you act passive aggressively when provoked or do you talk to them about it? Does that work? Are you approachable? Or do you find that after you’ve had a rant about something that the room is suddenly empty?

Or are you in a space where you’re simply grateful that you are accepted as you are in all your weirdness and love your family for their weirdness too?

Having a strong sense of self, and how you work in your own inner feminine and masculine to resolve your own internal issues and to resolve issues with others will be a superpower that will help you immensely. You also don’t have to be ‘weird’ to have individual needs. Everyone has them. Some just happen to be as subtle as how you like the dishwasher stacked.

There is a risk that acting so objectively could turn as clinical as a science experiment (just something to keep in mind, Aquarius energy can turn a bit cold), but this is a great opportunity to take a breath of air, and think before acting, see what happens.

We can practice using this objective filter of discernment by taking note of how we act when we want something, and how we go about getting it. This is your inner feminine and masculine, your yin and yang, or Venus and Mars coming into play.

And with the recent Chiron/north node conjunction (in Aries, so also keep an eye out for feelings of your needs just not being met, feeling like things are just not FAIR, feeling upset but knowing that its come from within rather than from another) have any feelings of not being deserving of a balanced, fulfilling relationship come up?

Its a great opportunity to sit with this energy and take note of how you can shift to create unique and authentic relationships with others and within yourself that you had never dreamed of.

We are all unique, we all have individual needs, the sooner we admit that we don’t all fit into the same mould the happier we will be, and the better we can get at identifying and expressing our needs while honouring the needs of those around us, the better our society will flow as a whole.

How we relate to others and to ourselves is about to make a huge shift and upgrade.

Sarah ♒︎


Virgo full moon February 2024


Chiron/North Node conjunction