Chiron/North Node conjunction

Many will already be feeling this energy, but the big collective ‘ouch’ known to astrologers as the Chiron/north node conjunction energy will peak at 5:49am Tuesday the 20th AEST.

I’m calling it the collective ‘ouch’ because that is how it feels.

Its that pang of inner wounding that may be stopping us from following our hearts path. Its an old wounding that we base the stories we tell ourselves about how un-worthy, or undeserving we are of whatever our greatest dreams are.

Chiron is the asteroid/planetoid/planetary body cruising around in between Saturn and Uranus known as the wounded healer. In mythology, he tries to heal his own wound by going around helping others heal.

Whatever your Chiron wound is is a key to unlocking how to work through the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

We all have our own unique Chiron wounding that can be unlocked by looking at our astrological chart.

The north node refers to a geographical location based on the tilt of the moon. It’s relevant to us because the moon affects our emotional state, and wherever the nodes are influences the collective. At the moment with the north node in Aries there is a pull in the collective to try new things, create paths that have not been created before, and to follow our own individual needs.

Join Chiron and the North node together in a conjunction and there is a want to follow our own path, combined with some inner resistance that we can’t, or shouldn’t, or don’t deserve to.

So how do we move forward? How do we use this resistance as a lesson?

In mythology, Chirons pain from his wound was so great that he consciously chose death as a new path to move forward. He chose to move into the underworld to be reborn.

I’m not saying that death is the way out, rather a symbolic death of the self limiting beliefs that we carry that stop us from moving forwards.

This surrender into what could be rather than holding rigidly onto beliefs based on stories that we tell ourselves that hold us back coincides with the start of Pisces season. We can tap into that Pisces energy of committing to a dream and that ability to channel into our essence and live with a sense of deep purpose, rather than clinging on to the old beliefs that keep us ‘safe’ yet stagnant.

When you think about what you truly want, what thoughts come into your head that are causing this resistance? What do you tell yourself that stops you from reaching for your goals?

Can you work through those beliefs that are holding you back? Can you figure out where the beliefs come from? Maybe something from as far back as your childhood?

Can you rewrite the stories that you tell yourself that are holding you stagnant in a place of unworthiness/undeserving/not good enough?

If you’re struggling, or if you would like to know specifically where this will come into play on your astrological chart, I am available for readings. Bookings though my website.

Sending love,

Sarah ♡


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