Mercury in Aquarius 2024

Mercury is in Aquarius, and will be there until it moves into Pisces on the 23rd February.

We have the opportunity to work with that energy while it’s there.

A superpower of Mercury in Aquarius is the ability to objectively observe your thoughts, and filter through what is helpful and what isn’t in a matter of fact manner.

Aquarius is an air sign, it has the capacity to observe what is going on detached from the emotional or outside influences that can skew how we perceive our reality.

So when Mercury, the planet that rules our cognitive processes and communication is there, we have increased capacity for viewing how we interact with others, and our perceptions of those interactions.

If you would like to strengthen your practice of objectivity observing yourself, I recommend journaling!

When you’re journaling ask yourself how you felt, and be really sincere and honest about whether those feelings came from the situation or if they came from a deeper, conditioned part of yourself.

Did how you behave align with your heart and essence or did it come from a mechanical reaction?

How do you now feel about it while you are sitting away from it and objectively observing?

Are there some small shifts you could make to help your actions align with your heart?

Creating the opportunity to have insights and working on them daily will have a profound impact, especially if you’re building the practice up over a year or longer.

Sarah ♡


Chiron/North Node conjunction


Full moon in Leo 2024 and Mars square Chiron