Full moon in Leo 2024 and Mars square Chiron

On the 26th January 2024 Mars will square Chiron (4:15am AEST) and then the moon will be full in Leo at 4:54am AEST.

Mars is the planet of drive, passion and aggression. When it makes a hard aspect like a square, its creating a tension with whatever its squaring. Chiron is the asteroid of the ‘wounded healer’, and highlights areas of our lives that we hold on to wounding in. The tension created by this square will trigger our innermost wounds, and we may feel somewhat aggressive about it.

This tension will uncover where we need to do work. And with Mars being next to Mercury, the planet of communication, we will be very able to express ourselves, we just need to be wary of how we express ourselves. We also need to be mindful that there is more than one way to go about working on these wounds, as Mars and Mercury are both on Capricorn there will be the tendency to lean towards thinking that there is only one way to go about this inner work. The way its always been done.

But, there are more options. Which leads me to the full moon in Leo, happening less than an hour later.

With the full moon in Leo we are being asked to shed something that doesn’t support us in being proud to show ourselves in our fullest, most creative, and authentic expression.

This is bound to be quite transformative, as the sun is conjunct Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth.

This full moon makes a t-Square to Jupiter, the planet of spirituality, expansion and wisdom seeking. A t-square is made up of two squares made to opposing planets (the sun and moon), creating a pressure cooker type energy.

When the sun is conjunct Pluto we are being touched with the energy of wanting to make change (or change just happening whether we like it or not) in our daily lives. In how we go about our day to day, into what motivates us and gives us our drive for life. Into our life force energy.

The t-square between the full moon and Jupiter is asking us to look at our beliefs about our deep inner wisdom, and investigate how any long held beliefs that may be holding us back.

Do you hold beliefs about your self worth that are holding you back? Do you think you are more capable than you actually are? Or less capable?

Do you embrace learning new ways of being, or are you rigidly attached to old patterns, because ‘that’s the way its always been done’?

It will be hard work to be open minded here, with Mercury next to Mars in stubborn Capricorn. However, if you can slow down, its a golden opportunity to use the stubborn skillset of Mercury in Capricorn to create a step by step plan on how to positively alchemise this energy. Likewise with alchemising the energy of Mars here, once you’ve made your mind up, the actions are going to be taken.

The knee jerk reaction to be wary of here is that ‘no this is the way its always been done, I don’t need to try another way. I’m FINE HOW I AM!’

And that is in relation to whatever you feel triggered about with the Mars/Chiron square. This is your clue about how to alchemise this full moon.

Whatever the trigger is, it is cloaking a long held belief that has been holding you back from growing and reaching a greater level of consciousness. From living in greater alignment.

The planets are lined up so beautifully to discover the trigger (including the pressure cooker energy to create the tension and aggressive knee-jerk reaction), discover what belief is hiding behind it, to shed whatever it is, to allow a layer of false self to fall away, and to discover what authentic, true and brave gifts you have waiting inside you.

To not be afraid to show that layer of self, that part that may not fit neatly into a box, but deserves to shine brightly. The sun is in Aquarius after all, its the astrological month of expressing our individuality, and using our unique gifts in collaboration to benefit the collective as a whole.

If you would like to know exactly how this full moon energy will hit for you, or if you would like a general reading, bookings are available through my website.

Big love,



Mercury in Aquarius 2024


Pluto in Aquarius 2024 and the Sun Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn