Pluto in Aquarius 2024 and the Sun Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto is about to make another dip into Aquarius before fully committing at the end of November this year. This dip feels really significant, because Pluto and the Sun both meet in Capricorn before Pluto follows the sun into Aquarius.

The Sun meeting Pluto in Capricorn before Pluto follows the sun into Aquarius is a cosmic hint on how to manage the collective Pluto in Aquarius energy on a personal level in our daily lives.

Capricorn is an earth sign. It represents how we show up and take responsibility for ourselves and our lives. Aquarius is air, which is our mental processes and communication.

The sun speaks to our daily expression, its what gives life and energetically affects our conscious awareness. The sun affects us a lot more on a personal level because of its proximity to us, while Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, transformation, and POWER. It’s effects are more subtle, and are felt more on a societal level. They do, however ripple out and slowly affect us on a personal level once the subtle changes have infiltrated through our communities.

For me, the conjunction between these two planets before they move into Aquarius is a reminder that in order to survive this new age that we need to implement Capricorn lessons into our daily lives.  Like the sun shining on us every day. It’s like a little clue from the universe on what we can do in our day to day on how to navigate the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius era.

It shows us the significance of being able to connect with the earth and nature in our daily lives to successfully navigate through the technological age of Pluto in Aquarius.

We need to work on our connection to the earth and to ourselves. To remain grounded. To remember to take nourishment from nature/the earth before we move into the airy space of Aquarius.

Aquarius is an air sign, its all about our mind and where our thoughts are at. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, transformation, and last but not least POWER. Who has power over your mind? Is it you? Or society?

How much of other peoples stuff and the current narrative do you absorb? How much of that do  you take on as part of your identity, stuff that isn’t yours that is guiding your choices? Is it even really you making your decisions?

How much clickbait draws you in when you’re scrolling through your phone?

Did you even know that you wanted that item from shein before you picked your phone up?

Do you comment on posts that thousands have commented on and back up whatever they have all unanimously decided to say, even if you’re on the fence or think differently? Is so many people agreeing on a point that you really don’t agree on make you think you should shift your mindset?

Have you sat in a social situation quietly not agreeing with anything people are saying, too afraid to speak up or to just leave, because you don’t want to be the one person with a different opinion?

All of these situations are examples of where you’re getting caught up in hive mind/group think mentality, where you leave your own sense of self behind to fit in with the crowd. Because if that’s what everyone else is doing, it must be right. Right?

Even if it feels wrong and totally out of alignment?

If we are caught up in our mental processes and overthinking we can bypass our bodies and our emotional needs.

Luckily we can use the positive expressions of the sun in Capricorn energy to create our own strategies to maintain our own personal power, and control over our own minds. To discern where we must be focusing our attention and our thoughts. To be grounded and centred enough to know how you feel, and own it, or leave the situation.

To take back your power over your mind as a daily practice is going to be a superpower over the next 20 ish years especially.

The more disconnected from self that we are, the easier we fall into social conditioning traps (doing things because that’s what everyone else is doing so it must be ok), and falling into the shadow side of Pluto in Aquarius, for example the dystopian, social credit system style dictated by technology, all living like worker bees all the same with no freedom to be individuals kinda vibe.

AI is a big part of this but I will go into that another time, it warrants its own blog entry!

There are so many cognitive rabbit holes we can fall into if we don’t take responsibility for our thoughts and work on why and how we think the way that we do.

I’ve noticed a lot of people talking about how we are going to ‘ascend’ into 12D, live in 5D, whatever dimension you feel you’re up to, or embody a spiritual label to exclude yourself from the craziness going on in the world, but the reality is is that we are here. Living in the 3D, on the earth, this is where our bodies are. We need to be conscious about the earth things, our surroundings, and our physical bodies. Then we will be grounded enough to be mindful and discerning of what thought processes we are focusing on. Of our own minds. Not swept up in a collective thought process bubble.

This can be another shadow side of Aquarian energy, to be so focused on the collective that we disconnect from our own individual reality. For example:

You’re not being ascended to 12D to be saved. We are all living here on earth. More like swept into a haze of hive mind mentality to be controlled. If you’ve watched ‘Escape from twin flames universe’ on Netflix you will know what I mean.

We have to develop that Capricornian kind of personal power. Create that groundedness and responsibility to build our individual strength, to own your truth, be honest about and take responsibility for your actions, and not blaming the narrative or other people for doing something that you knew wasn’t right. To look to the wisdom of our elders as a guide and honour personal growth.

I recommend acknowledging the Capricorn wisdom of connecting to the earth. Earth will balance the Aquarian air energy. Prioritise your mind/body connection. Being grounded and honouring earth wisdom in your day to day will be your armour from being swept away into the hive mind mentality.

The less connected you are to yourself, the easier you are to control. If your mind is so in the clouds that you’re not connected, you’re a target. When you lose your sense of groundedness you lose your skill of discernment.

There are so many predictions floating around for Pluto in Aquarius. Mine is that if we allow our minds to fly away and disconnect from self, that our connections with others will suffer, and our society will end up really rigid and quite boring, to be honest. Social credit system, cashless society, like those dystopian movies where people live in pods (hopefully not that extreme but that kinda vibe).

But if we stay connected and grounded to ourselves and the earth, prioritise our mind/body connection, take responsibility for ourselves, express our unique selves, and celebrate others in their uniqueness then we can all use our individual gifts to better the collective as a collaboration. It has the potential to be a really expansive time with some great ideas that can advance our society in ways we had never dreamed of.

Here’s to the second option, and thank you for taking the time to read.



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