Capricorn New Moon

I feel a bit excited about this new moon.

Even though its not the start of the astrological new year, Capricorn feels energetically like a great place to start the year off with some well thought out intentions, and a solid, tangible plan on how to achieve them.

In the day leading up to the new moon there is a trine between the Sun (in Capricorn) and Uranus in another earth sign (Taurus). This trine is like these two planets giving each other a high five (can’t remember where I heard that term but its perfect), the energy of our daily expression merging with radical and sudden insights. There is the potential to have some brilliant ideas that can elevate us to do with work, responsibilities and our sense of security.

Mars (also in Capricorn) makes a sextile to Saturn (rules Capricorn), giving us the drive, will and passion towards reaching our goals.

Then on Thursday the 11th at 10:57pm AEST we will be treated to the exacting new moon, merging our emotional needs with our daily expression. Creating the celestial opportunities for our to bring our goals to fruition.

When dealing with any archetype and energy Capricorn related Its important to ask ourselves, are we taking responsibility for ourselves?

Its all very well and good to think about what changes we would like to make, to dream about where we could be in a years time if we took one step a day, but are we actually taking those steps?

I feel that the Mars/Saturn trine is a good opportunity to ponder that point, even though Saturn is the task master planet, he’s firmly in dreamy, floaty Pisces for a while. Are you dreaming big but not taking action? Can you dream up some really epic work and stability goals for yourself and follow through?

If you would like to sit down and look at how you can make this moon work for you I love to look at how you can use the upcoming astrology and your astrological powers in a reading.

Book through my website.

I hope you’re enjoying this planning and organisational energy as much as I am,



Pluto in Aquarius 2024 and the Sun Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn


Neptune stationing direct December 2023