Neptune stationing direct December 2023

When Neptune is in retrograde we are more likely to deceive ourselves in the stories that we tell ourselves about our reality.

For example, my daughters like to create fantasy worlds and involve everyone in their games.

They love it, it’s cute and fun.

One such game is pretending that the cracks in the footpath are lava and I am not ‘allowed’ to step on them.

But every now and then I don’t follow their story and step on the cracks.

And then they totally crack it at me (pun intended).

They’re annoyed that I’m not going along with their version of reality. Because I didn’t meet their expectations.

But this sort of behaviour is not just isolated to kids playing a game.

Adults do this too.

Grown ups judge others for not following a certain script that they have conjured up in their own head based on their own experiences. Not taking the other person’s circumstances into account, nor zooming out to look at the big picture.

How many times have you heard another adult utter the phrase/s ‘well I would have done … they should have done … I wouldn’t have done that’.

Have you ever wondered if your experience of reality is the same as the others around you?

Has the entire world gone mad apart from us? Why is everyone else being ridiculous?

With Neptune stationing direct this level of insight will be more accessible to the collective.

It’s a very subtle shift in the collective consciousness.

We may not even be aware of it.

So from now for the next few months until it goes retrograde again take advantage of this clearer insight into your reality, and that of others.

You might learn a few things about yourself via your interpretation of reality, and your reactions to others.

Are you judging or reacting based on what’s actually going on, or is it from stories that you tell yourself?

If you would like to dive deeper into this and what is being specifically activated in your chart and in your reality, book in for a reading or a discovery call!

Sarah 🦋


Capricorn New Moon


Mercury retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius December 2023