Mercury retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius December 2023

Mercury retrograde is an opportunity to go inwards and re evaluate our thinking patterns and how we communicate with others.  

With Mercury retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius there will be a need to structure and organise our trains of thought and mental processes into tangible accomplishments. 

Can you stick to a task or does your mind wander? Do you waste hours death scrolling when you were supposed to be doing something else? 

Then with the move into Sagittarius, are you being honest to yourself about this?

Also, do you blurt when it’s not called for?  

This solid grounding in Capricorn lays the foundations for our fiery search for wisdom and new insights in Sagittarius. This step backwards through the zodiac with the focus on our inner world helps us to pick up lessons that we may not have picked up when Mercury was direct.  

When we consciously create a solid structure and framework to achieving our goals and to our mental processes we are setting ourselves up to overcome any obstacles that come our way. 

We are building a foundation. 

With that solid grounding, it creates a safe space to fall back on if necessary when we are exploring new ideas, which is especially essential when exploring through lived experiences. 

Without that framework everything can collapse if things don’t go as we had hoped. Have you got a solid base from which to explore? 

Is your mind wandering? Can you keep focused on your goals? Can you be disciplined enough to think before you speak?  

If you do feel like everything is collapsing around you, then you’re probably in need of some serious Capricorn organisation to get your life back into order. 

If you’re very stuck in your ways and not willing to explore other ways of thinking, you will benefit from some Sagittarius energy motivating you to explore, and be truthful about where old ways aren’t working.  

This Mercury retrograde will teach us how we can benefit from being more grounded and organised, and use that as a solid base form which to explore. 

It will help us to uncover how we can use the wisdom and structure we have gained for finding our purpose in life.  

Read on to learn how the other planets chip in to help us learn our retrograde lessons: 

On the 19th at 1:27am Mercury will trine Jupiter, who will be retrograde as well.

It’s a double whammy of inwards focused energy. This trine will give us taste of the expansive and explorative mental energy that we will be feeling when Mercury moves into Jupiter ruled Sagittarius. Take note of any insights that come up, you may want to explore these later on in the month. You may have some crazy dreams! 


On the 21st at 11:33pm Mercury will make a sextile to Saturn. There is positive energy here for working through what we can implement to become more grounded and to create more structure. Saturn rewards effort, so work that you do here will help you. 


On the 23rd at 5:53am the sun will be conjunct Mercury. This is the Mercury cazimi, the mid point of the retrograde. It’s the day that they say gives us a break from the wonky retrograde energy. 

But, if you’re accepting the invitation to let life flow for you and go inwards then the retrograde won’t actually be a difficult time. 

Later on in the day at 5:18pm Mercury will enter Sagittarius. This is when the honest blunt truth about what is and isn’t working in how we communicate will become clear. Also watch out for blurting! 


On the 27th at 6:42pm Mercury will square Neptune. 

This transit may bring up some deception or illusions about what is really going on. 

This is to do with your inner monologue, and how you interpret your reality. 

Are you reacting in your reality based on the truth or on a story that you have told yourself? Is this story holding you back from expressing yourself authentically? 

Think about your experiences today and try to zoom out to see the big picture. There’s always three sides to the story, your side, the other parties side and what actually happened. 

Can you see all three sides and untangle yourself from the stories that skew what you perceive? 


On the 28th at 11:30am Mercury will move to conjunct Mars, and will be trining Eris an hour and a bit later.

Moving next to Mars will combine Mercury and Mars energy into an ‘expressing yourself authentically’ powerhouse! This is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the retrograde energy and put what you’ve learned into action before Mercury goes direct. The trine with Eris creates an unconventional trailblazing energy alongside the conjunction. It’s the final invitation to step outside your comfort zone. If you have done your work this retrograde you will be armed with new knowledge and insights for moving into a more aligned and authentic life. 

And when you show up and express yourself from an authentic place you inspire others to do the same. 


Mercury goes direct on the 2nd January at 2:07pm.

We should see less little blips in our communications with others, and if you’ve done the work, more aligned experiences because you’re expressing yourself more from your essence. 


If this helped and you would like to work with me to go deeper and more personalised I offer tarot and astrology readings.

Book through my website.


Sarah 🦋


Neptune stationing direct December 2023


Venus in Scorpio 2023