Venus in Scorpio 2023

Venus will be in Scorpio from the 5th to the 30th December 2023.

Venus is the planet of relationships and finances. Scorpio rules deep transformation, power, and sex. The general energy of Venus being here is passionate and intense, and relationships will go under deep, intense transformations

Its time to really tune deeply into our relationships before they take an adventurous turn when Venus moves into Sagittarius.

These kinds of changes can be quite painful, as we may be hanging on to old maladaptive patterns that hinder our growth.

These patterns may include weilding power over others in a power play dynamic, obsessions/mental rigidity that may have been preventing us from moving on or letting go,  being jealous of others (this keeps us in scarcity mindset), lying and/or being manipulative. It could be love bombing then utter disgust at a lover with the need to flick them off suddenly without warning. Having no clear personal boundaries and becoming emotionally enmeshed with others without any clear warning or permission. Being secretive to and/or obsessive about a partner. A complete lack of trust in your partner and others. Not letting anyone in, being completely emotionally unavailable. These are all shadow aspects of the Venus in Scorpio archetype.

This archetype is not all bad, in fact at its most positive expression it allows the flow state of life to grow and evolve over and over, trusting that each evolutionary stage is for its highest good. Intuitive and deep, safeguarding the deep esoteric wisdom of unseen and occult realms, the state of relating to others and views of the world is safe and the pain of transformation is acknowledged and felt. The beauty of the cycles of life and death are celebrated in a state of full emotional availability that is required to share that level of depth and intimacy with another.

We might see ourselves more on one side of the archetypal spectrum than the other, the important thing is to be able to zoom out and be honest about where you sit.

Venus will make some helpful aspects to other planets during this stint in Scorpio that we can use to identify more of where we are at and to elevate ourselves on our journey.

She will trine Saturn (6th at 9:51 AEST). This is a great time to be aware of how the effort that you put in comes back around. Saturn rewards hard work and effort. Relationships do take work, the grass is always greener where you water it. if you are putting extra effort in to work here the planetary energy is supportive towards you being rewarded. Boundaries will come up during this transit. How are your boundaries? Do you have healthy boundaries and do you honour those of others?

The moon and Venus will be conjunct at 1:25am on the 10th. Our emotions will feel very blended with Venusian energy. Very romantic vibes, very intimate. This conjunction can go either way, into the energy of merging with another fully, or into a toxic power play, depending on the rest of the dynamics you have going on. Its a great opportunity to sit back and let energy flow to see what comes up for you. Be wary of any relationship traps here that promise the world and seem too good to be true. If it becomes an obsession, and you just can’t let go even though you keep getting hurt its probably not a healthy relationship.

A few hours later on the 10th she will oppose Jupiter at 2:34pm AEST. We will still be sitting in the energy of our emotions and Venusian vibes blending. We still have that splitting off kind of energy, its either very romantic or an intense power play. Jupiter pretty much expands anything it touches so it will elevate whatever is going on. It will also add a touch of optimism to the energy, and a willingness to learn from the situation.

A few days later on the 12th at 6:16am AEST Mercury will make a sextile to Venus.

Mercury rules mental processes and cognition, this is a great opportunity to think about what went down on the weekend, and have a discussion about it. Venus is conjunct Pallas, the asteroid of feminine ingenuity, so follow your feminine intuition. We all have feminine and masculine energy inside us. The feminine energy is dropping into your yin state. Your willingness to receive wisdom and let flow. That flow state of dropping into your yin energy and trusting that these cycles of death and rebirth are for our highest good.

After we have sat with that energy, Venus will oppose Uranus on the 21st at 6:04pm. There is a push pull energy here, that of the epic, radical ideas of Uranus butting heads with the flow yin state of Venus. They make a T-square to black moon Lilith here. This is a key to finding how to make these energies mesh well. You may unlocking a deep inner shame. This could be to do with allowing yourself to be seen. To let your creativity and fun side shine in your relationships. With Uranus in the Venus ruled sign of Taurus it feels like the best way to navigate any feelings of ick that arise is to slow down and stay as grounded as possible. Enjoy the little things, and trust your inner guidance.

On boxing day Venus will trine Neptune at 4:14am. This is dreamy, fantasy like energy. Daydreaming is great, however we can be prone to falling into traps of illusion here. When your fantasies have you feeling like your in a place of lack or beginning to get jealous of others its time to come back and be grateful for the little joys in your life.

And finally before she moves into Sagittarius Venus makes a sextile to Pluto on the 29th at 5pm AEST. This transit is like a little nugget of gold before the final move into a new sign. Pluto is the planet of deep transformation. Of death and rebirth. Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio. Notice what came up for you this cycle, and what you have learned to improve your relationships. What has risen to the surface for you to transmute over this period?

How can you use this information to grow?

If this was helpful, and you would like a more personalised dive deeper into your own astrological chart I am available for readings. In an astrology reading I can examine what these transits will activate for you personally. I can also dive deeper into some of the shadow aspects in a tarot reading.

Bookings and more information about me is available on my website.



Mercury retrograde in Capricorn/Sagittarius December 2023


Don’t suppress your feelings and defend those who hurt you.