Virgo season 2024

With Mercury, the ruler of Virgo in retrograde in Leo this is definitely a Virgo season to ensure that your focus is on yourself. One of the shadows of Virgo is focusing on the imperfections of others, so if you catch yourself focusing outwards, make sure to reign yourself back in.

And to keep that focus on yourself in a heart centred way, holding yourself to a positive regard.

When the sun is in Virgo a light is shone upon how we relate to our bodies, and self care rituals.

If you have slipped into unhealthy habits with your diet, exercise, spiritual practices, now is the time to go inward and find a fun, creative way to get yourself back on track. While Virgo is the sign of being in sacred service, we cant be of service to others unless we are looking after ourselves properly.

If you’re stuck and cant find your way back on track into caring for yourself properly, reach out, I would love to help you find your way back to caring for yourself.

Sarah ♥︎


Uranus retrograde, 2nd September 2024 to 31st January 2025


Mercury retrograde in Virgo/Leo 2024