Mercury retrograde in Virgo/Leo 2024

On Sunday arvo a random and uninvited visitor dropped in. My partner and I already had a guest who was visiting from interstate who we were keen to catch up with, and it was very clear from the glasses of wine, roaring fire and relaxed vibes of the house it was a Sunday arvo wind down scenario. This lady just walked in, and started talking very loudly and quickly about everything going on in her life. She sat down at the bench and started talking over the top of us, declaring that because she didn’t have much time she had to say all of her words very quickly and let us know all of her stuff that she had to tell us about. I was incredibly uncomfortable. The topics she was talking about were domestic violence and sexual abuse, and those are areas that I am healing myself. The fact that she had invaded my safe space unexpectedly and uninvited, loudly discussing her experiences of the topics that I’m slowly healing in my bubble of cozy Sunday arvo time made me feel very uncomfortable, and for lack of a better expression, really pissed off.

Pissed off because this was my time to take in the joy of life. When you’re doing a lot of inner work, your times that you set aside to make sure that you enjoy your life are even more sacred, and held with such reverence.

We enjoying a very rare child free catch up with a dear friend. We were also tired from attending a 40th the night before. It was cozy and comfortable. It wasn’t the time for her drama. .

And this is where I could have said something, and this is my Mercury retrograde in Virgo/Leo lesson… speak up when you’re uncomfortable. You’re not just existing for the needs of others. It’s an inauthentic way of living. Speak from the heart, and practice the fine art of self care. Instead I just sat there wishing she would stop talking. She was so overbearing. And I was worried that saying something would be rude. I shouldn’t have worried so much.

Anyway, I believe this unexpected guests lesson would be: You don’t always need to be in the spotlight in conversations, stay grounded and learn where its appropriate to be bold.

I think that this scenario really highlights the lessons of this Mercury retrograde. If you can notice where you may not be communicating with others or avoiding communicating because things aren’t fitting into exactly how you think they should be (or have planned for them to be), then you may have lessons that are found more within the Virgo archetype. If you’re noticing more that you’re extra bold and have to be the centre of the discussion all the time, your lessons may fall more into the Leo archetype side of things.

Mercury retrograde lessons found within the Virgo archetype:

  • Putting being of service or there for others ahead of your own needs

  • Being repetitive and going over and over details that aren’t important

  • Being overly critical of others

  • Making the details more important than the big issues

Mercury retrograde lessons found within the Leo archetype:

  • Not knowing where boldness is appropriate and being bold where it isn’t appropriate

  • Not acknowledging others or sharing the spotlight

  • Needing external praise and validation

  • Wanting to outshine others and be the centre of attention

When Mercury is conjunct Venus in Virgo on the 8th, think about are you expressing yourself in a way that is loving to yourself and to others? The retrograde in Virgo energy will help you to gather up information and insights to help you work on this question.

On the 18th Mercury RX in Leo will square Uranus. This transit is an absolute powerhouse. In a nutshell, it brings unexpected drama. This is where working on balancing out how you express the Leo archetype in your communication will help this sail by more smoothly. Using the wisdom gained from diving into how you communicate in a way that is loving towards others when Mercury was conjunct Venus will help you here. Make sure you take note of any unusual or radical ideas. Write them down, don’t dismiss them! Some brilliant insights can come in when Uranus is involved!

On the 19th Mercury will be conjunction the sun, this is called the Mercury cazimi. This is a days rest from the intensive retrograde energy.

On the 23rd Mercury will trine Chiron. This is a great opportunity to take note of any triggers and wounds that have come up so far this Mercury retrograde period. Chiron will also be in retrograde still, causing us to be inwardly focusing on our wounds about how you show up in the world and who you are at your essence.

How the energy of the Mercury retrograde shows up will be very dependant on you and your chart. If you would like to dive into this deeper, and look at a few more transits than what I have briefly gone into here, book in for an astrology session soon my website!

I love doing readings for people, finding ways to help them grow and use the energy thats unfolding in a constructive way!

Sarah ♥︎


Virgo season 2024


Chiron retrograde in Aries 2024