Chiron retrograde in Aries 2024

On Friday the 26th July Chiron will go retrograde, and it will station direct on the 30th December.

When any planet is in retrograde it is an invitation to go inwards, and examine how we, as individuals relate to the archetypal energies, if we are using them constructively, or to note if we are expressing the archetype in a not so helpful way. The not so helpful ways we are expressing the energies are the most helpful to take note of, because when we start to shift those, thats where the magic begins and we start to heal.

Chiron represents the archetype of the wounded healer. He tried everything to heal his wound, and discovered that he was able to heal others though his own healing. He travelled around healing others for the rest of his life.

In the natal chart, Chiron represents a hidden wound in our psyche. The symbol for Chiron looks like a key, and because Chiron orbits between closer planet Saturn and the much further away Uranus, it is said that it bridges our society with the mysteries of the universe. Whatever your Chiron wound in your natal chart is, is your key to connecting to the divine.

With Chiron in Aries in the sky wounds and trauma to do with the core essence will ripple through the collective as a whole. If your natal Chiron is in Aries, or if you have personal planets/chiron in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you may feel this more strongly.

This energy can be felt as a deep shame in being yourself, afraid to speak up, or on the flip side in being very sensitive to judgement and passive aggressive.

To cover up our shame at who we are, humans tend to ‘blend in’ with the pack, follow along at what others are doing, not speak up, and sacrifice our own needs and wants to keep the peace. Were you ever afraid to speak up in class for fear of judgement from your classmates? Even if you knew the answer to the question?

As the first sign of the zodiac, at its highest expression Aries is that first spark of life, its stepping out into a new adventure, to explore new things. Its knowing that you are worthy of embracing that new adventure, and being brave to step out and try it.

The not so helpful expressions to note include: being selfish, egocentric, only thinking about yourself.

To balance these out, we have to look at the opposing energies, of being considerate of others, looking for and creating harmony, and making sure we factor others into our decision making. Whatever part of the Chiron in Aries archetype you resonate with, there is so much potential for growth, if you can remain objective and honest with yourself.

Think about what gives you that spark of excitement about life! That fresh energy and feeling worthy of stepping out on a new adventure.

There is so much potential for connecting back to a hidden part of your soul essence over the next 5 months.

If you would like to dive into this deeper, I have spaces available for astrology readings on my website.

Sarah ♥︎


Mercury retrograde in Virgo/Leo 2024


Mars conjunct Uranus and Algol