Uranus retrograde, 2nd September 2024 to 31st January 2025

How do you relate to your own inner weirdo?

I want you to think about your reaction to that question.

Were you immediately triggered, did you smile, or are you feeling neutral?

How you reacted to that question is going to give you a clue to what your relationship to your authentic self is like. I’m not saying that being authentic makes you ‘weird’ in a negative way, its just that people who society labels as ‘weird’ are often, just comfortable with expressing their individuality, and aren’t conforming to societal norms just to ‘fit in’. They express a very Uranian energy.

Uranus is the planet of rebellion, of sudden change, and true, unfiltered raw, authenticity.

With Uranus in retrograde, the light will be shone inwards on finding that raw, inner authenticity, and being able to access outside of the box thinking.

Do you hold any niggling feeling that things aren’t quite right but have to continue getting on with it because its what people do ?

Do you just move along with the pack, go with the flow so to speak, just to fit in? Even if you know that what the ‘pack’ is doing is wrong? Do the same thing over and over because its the ‘way thing are done’?

Or, are you so in touch with your authenticity that you have completely lost touch with reality? Examples of this could be making reckless decisions, being really ungrounded and flighty. Like quitting your job because your boss looked at you funny and you have bills to pay and don’t have good employment prospects.

Do you express your inner truth? Are you worried about looking a certain way, having enough money, saying the right thing, having a well presented family (whose kids actually wear shoes), do you spend your leisure time doing things you think or fun or do you follow the crowd, does your workout routine suit you or do you just do the activity everyone else does, do you express your needs in relationships, is your partner overspending your joint finances, are you questioning your religious beliefs, hate your job but stay because you feel like you should? I could go on… and on!

There is a healthy balance of Uranian energy, which looks like being true to and honouring yourself, and bringing your unique gifts to the table for the collective to share and use for growth of our society.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus is here to shake up your inner world, if you haven’t already felt the rumblings of things aren’t quite right, especially to do with your finances and sense of stability and security, then I would start planning a change. Uranus is notorious for making changes for us in a sudden way if we don’t make them ourselves. You’ve got from the 2nd September 2024 to January the 31st 2025 to make the most of this energy!

Sarah ♥︎


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