Pisces Full moon and partial eclipse

In our lives we come across situations, people and places that can stall and/or halt our evolution and growth.

This is where the Virgo/Pisces axis is so important and plays such a huge role in our evolution. Its learning how to discern what serves us and what doesn’t. And, its being comfortable in the space of not knowing, which is where evolution and growth can be the most rapid.

It is in that space of not knowing where we must be attuned and discerning, however. Because if we are absorbing everything around us without a speck of discernment, we stop living consciously. We detach from our own needs. Suddenly we are ‘going with the flow’ so much that we lose ourselves in the collective unconsciousness and it gets hard to figure out what your needs actually are, much less how to have them met.

Sometimes we get so caught up in what everyone else is doing that our ideas, our wants go by the wayside.

Sometimes we have done this for so long that our ‘default’ mode is to live under the illusion that to be happy that we must go along with the collective and ‘do what everyone else is doing’ just because. Because ‘thats what you do’. Our default mode can be to be disconnected to our own body.

How many times have you gotten swept up by what your friendship group wanted to do that you convinced yourself their ideas would be great fun to wind up at home not having done the thing you wanted feeling ripped off because you wish you had of just done your thing?

This is kind of like that!

It gets even worse when we are stressed out and or tired, because it’s so easy to fall into autopilot mode.

I feel like autopilot mode is our bodies way of making sure we stay in control, it’s our bodies way of sending our mind the illusionary message that we’ve got this, everything is ok.

Looking at the astrology, with the upcoming partial lunar eclipse in Pisces (imagination and dream realms) right next to Neptune (dream realms and illusions), I feel that there will be some deceiving messages being sent from our mind (moon in Pisces) to our body (sun in Virgo).

In the lead up to this partial eclipse (happening Wednesday AEST), examine where you are falling into traps of illusions (such as falling into old patterns in autopilot), and how they are holding you back from evolving. What small, grounding steps can you take to move towards living more authentically?

Be discerning with your spiritual growth. Let it flow into the area that feels right for you.

Listen to your intuition.

Listen to your needs.

Learn how to get comfortable in the space of not knowing, yet still remain attuned to your heart.

This is your journey, your evolution.

Sarah ♥︎


Uranus retrograde, 2nd September 2024 to 31st January 2025