Taurus season readings

Taurus season starts on Saturday the 20th April. It is all about appreciation of things that excite the senses. Its the sign of comfort, stability, foundation, resources, food, sensuality, fertility, wealth, and appreciating art, beauty and things that bring us pleasure.

This astrological month brings a lot of change, and Taurus being Taurus can be resistant to.

The magic here will be in knowing where you can be flexible without compromising your sense of security and stability.

Knowing where you can let go to facilitate a change without throwing your life off kilter will be a superpower this Taurus season.

Do you want to know what kind of energy the planets will be bringing up for you this Taurus season and how you can work with it for a positive outcome?

I am offering 45 minute zoom readings for $60 that will look at how the major planetary transits will affect you by looking at your astrological chart, and/or tarot cards.

Exploring how the cosmic energy that is generated by the planets will affect you personally gives you the power of foresight, and the capacity to work with the energy in a more powerful way than waiting to see what happens and hoping it will work out.

As my dad always says: 'Prior preparation and planning prevents piss poor performance.’

As always, I can’t tell you exactly what will happen (because you have free will and we don’t know exactly how the energy will play out), but I can tell you that the energy is there and what the nature of the energy is.

If you have something big (or small) you’re wanting to do and would love a cosmic helping hand I can investigate what dates you will have planetary support to do that as well.

Its handy information to know, I’ve been using it to help me along for a while now!

Email me for the link to book! This reading is valid from the 18th April to 1st May 2024.

Sarah ♥


Taurus season transits 2024


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