Taurus season transits 2024

Taurus season starts on Saturday the 20th April. It is all about appreciation of things that excite the senses. Its the sign of comfort, stability, foundation, resources, food, sensuality, fertility, wealth, and appreciating art, beauty and things that bring us pleasure.

This astrological month brings a lot of change, which Taurus can be resistant to.

The magic here will be in knowing where you can be flexible without compromising your sense of security and stability.

On Sunday the 21st of April Jupiter will be conjunct Uranus. This is arguably one of the biggest astrological transits of the year. Jupiter and Uranus are both slow moving planets, they meet approximately every 14 years!

The last time they met in Taurus was in 1941 around the time of WW2. A lot of people have been wigging out about a potential WW3. I’m not sure if thats because of the astrology or the political climate, but its interesting!

The energy of these two planets joining forces in Taurus is that of a radical and electric change in our sense of security. We may not notice changes at the exact time that the planets are conjunct, but we may notice ripples of this change for months, a year, or even 14 years after until they meet again and start another cycle. There may be more rebellion, more innovation, exploration and creativity seen in the collective.

Whatever changes come up for you, decide on the best course of action from your heart.

If you don’t shift when things don’t feel right (this is especially when Uranus is involved), then the universe will shift things for you, and it wont be as easy to deal with as a shift you’ve made yourself. Universal course corrections are always harder to deal with than making our own conscious changes!

‘The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places’ - Ernest Hemingway.

This is a big transit. It will be felt rippled through the collective, and at a personal level. The good thing is, is that you get to decide if you are going to let the breaks break you, or strengthen you.

The Scorpio full moon on Wednesday the 24th April is offering the opportunity to work with the energy of radical change. There is something you can let go of to become a more authentic version of yourself. Can you settle into being unapologetically yourself? Have you wondered if stepping more into your authenticity would benefit not only yourself, but those around you?

Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and cognitive processes will station direct on Thursday the 25th April. The energy available now is smoother communication, faster thought processes, and our internal dialogue will be less focused on ourselves. Mercury is still in Aries, which is fast and fiery, so watch yourself, there is the possibility of blowing off the handle unnecessarily. However, if you harness this energy you will notice your communication style is on fire and you will get lots of jobs ticked off your list.

When Venus, the planet ruling our desires moves into her home of Taurus on April the 29th we will notice our priorities will shift to pleasure seeking. Taurus rules all of our earthly pleasures, such as food, sensuality and eroticism, earthly resources like plants and flowers, creating things of beauty, and art. When Venus is here in her sign of rulership our attention will be focused towards these things. Take time to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life. But beware of being overindulgent. Its also good to check your mindset here. Are you living from a place of lack or an abundance mindset? Take note of any radical ideas to transform into an abundance mindset if you’re more on the place of lack end of the scale.

Mars, the planet of passion, drive and motivation will enter its fiery home sign of Aries on the 1st of May. This will actually hit us quite hard (in a good way) in wanting to transform some aspect of our lives. Mars is the ruler of Aries, so we will notice that our motivation and drive to get things done will be stronger. Its a good time energetically to create a healthy sense of self, believe in yourself and connect to your intuition. Be wary of being overly independent, not listening to others, and acting without thinking.

This period with Venus and Mars in their signs of rulership is also a good time to cultivate a healthy sense of your inner feminine and masculine, that we all have within us.

Do you know what you want? How do you feel about seeking out what you want? Do you give and take? Are you able to receive? Are you able to give?

Pluto is going retrograde again on the 3rd May! It will move back into Capricorn in September. When Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth is in retrograde it is an invitation for the collective to transform their unconscious minds for social change.

There is the opportunity to transform some newly discovered shadows of over individuation, of individuating so much that we all become the same… and of issues that have started to arise with AI to name a few. When Pluto moves into Capricorn we can then examine old patterns of government and patriarchal control that no longer serve the collective, and how we can transmute those for the benefit of society. It is definitely easier to pretend that the issues that Pluto brings up don’t exist, but be mindful of not bringing things up too intensely to those who are resisting and spending all your energy obsessing over it. Its more helpful to be open to transformation yourself, and knowing that in doing your own inner work that will send ripples of change through the collective. Small steps with this slow moving planet.

The new moon in Taurus on the 8th May happens only a few degrees away from where the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction took place. Its like this new moon is seeded with the energy of that conjunction. If you’re still reflecting upon what positive changes you can make to grow (hint, these can relate to stability, self worth and money), take this time to plant some tangible, solid seeds for making that change. The energy of this moon is very grounding while being connected to the energy of radical change. Its a change you weren’t expecting, but you’re open to it, and you’ve done work on letting go of what has been rigidly holding you back.

When the Sun and another planet are conjunct its like a direct beam of that planets energy is flowing down onto us on earth via the suns rays. With the sun conjunct Uranus on the 13th May you may feel more of you inner rebel, and have innovative, radical ideas. Take note of these, think about how you can incorporate this to improve your life.

Mercury moves to join the party in Taurus on the 16th May. Its joining Venus, Uranus, the Sun and Jupiter. With so many planets there a lot of our focus will be on Taurus themes, such as stability, comfort, peace and beauty. Now we will be able to articulate those things more clearly. Be mindful of being rigid or stubborn in your thinking patterns, and in your plan making. There is always space for new experiences and new ways of doing things.

Another sun, planet conjunction this month. Now its Jupiters energy the sun is laser - beaming our way on the 19th May. With the sun conjunct Jupiter, its like a lazer beam of luck and possibility is shining down onto us. We may seek more spiritual and higher realms knowledge, and be open to new ideas. Take note of what comes up, whatever comes through can be very expansive for your life.

Enjoy this Taurus season, if you’re inspired and want to make some magic with the power of the transits and how they interact with your chart, I would love to hold space for you in a reading!

Big love,

Sarah ♥


Mars conjunct Uranus and Algol


Taurus season readings